Monthly Archives: November 2010

Exciting News!!!

I have really been enjoying this blogging ride that I’m on.  I have also been secretly wishing that I could somehow either write for – or – be featured on a national blog…that and being a guest on Oprah

Well last night one of my wishes came true…

Noooo…I didn’t receive a phone call from one of Oprah’s producers asking me to be a guest on the show

 (Oprah I am available if you need me…call me k?) 



I did receive this email from  inviting me to join their Atlanta team of bloggers writing for their “Events” category! 

Me?  Really? Are you sure?  You like me…you really like me!?!

Yes, I accept!  I’ll do it!  Count me in…where do I sign? 

Now you ask…what does this mean?  Well right now it just means that will set aside a little cyber space just for “moi” where I can post things until my little ♥  is content.  It also means that I can ride on the coattails and success of the website and possibly gain a little exposure as a blogger.                                      

Oh I can see it now…first blogging, then my own TV show, books, DVDs, my own Barbie, Oprah….

Oh sorry about that…I guess I got a little carried away for a moment. 

Before I start posting I have papers to complete, sign and fax back to the great people at Todays Mama. 

Then I need to start thinking about topics to write on…(think lots of internet surfing).  I’ll keep you posted on when I go “live” so you can stop by and give me a virtual “holla”.  Also if you have any suggestions on what you would like to read as it relates to events (having them…cool new products…planning…etc.) please let me know. 

In the meantime, check out TodaysMama and let me know what you think.

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Filed under life, Today's Mama

Then reality kicked in

So in my post last week (here) I told you that I had finally registered for the 2011 Disney Princess ½ Marathon scheduled for February 27, 2011.  After riding the high from actually registering for the race…and thinking about how much fun my friend Patina (she’s running the race with me) and I are going to have and how good I’m going to feel checking this item off my My Mighty Awesome Life List …well let’s just say that reality started to set in. 

Holy crap…what in the heck was I thinking?????

 I can barely run 3 miles without feeling like I’m about to blow a major artery…how in the hell am I going to be able to complete 13.1 miles! 

Oh and let’s not forget the fact that I have to be able to maintain a 16 min mile pace or else the Disney Princess patrol is going to come and haul my slow-moving rear in the back of their pick up and cart me to the finish line with all the other slow pokes!  Oh how embarrassing!!!!!  Then panic started to set in and well I started getting anxious and sweating and feeling like I was going to cry.  Then I started to think about how out of shape I am…and how it was going to take me forever to lose this baby weight and get back in shape so I can at least complete the race in 3:30:00 and oh let’s not forget about my diet and how I was going to have to do a major overhaul and cut out some of my favorite places like this  and this . 

Well you can where this conversation I was having with myself was going…to put it mildly I was beating myself up…convincing myself that I couldn’t possibly complete this race without actually giving it a try.  I had already claimed defeat without even trying.  It’s funny because I’m always talking to my boys, letting them know just how great they are and reminding them that they are capable of accomplishing great things…all they have to do is put their mind to it and like  the Nike ads “Just Do it!”.  And look at what I was doing to myself….

So this morning at 4:45am, I got up…put on a t-shirt and sweat pants, laced up my Nikes hopped in the car and ended up here

Where I ran/walked 4 miles and probably could have gone longer/farther but I had to go home to get ready for work.   

And I logged on to 

And started to re-familiarize myself with my daily point allotment and started to find tasty recipes I can make for me and my family.

I also reminded myself that I CAN do this…all I have to do is put my mind to it and do it!


Filed under life, Running like a mother

Saying thanks

For little girls that want to grow up to be a Fairy


Filed under life, Thankful

I am thankful for…

Having a job to come to everyday…

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Disney here I come!

Its official, today I registered for the Disney’s Princess ½ Marathon!!!!!   Now it’s time to put in the real work.  No more playing around for me.  I must confess…I haven’t been training like I should have but now all of that is going to have to change if I plan on completing the race in 3:30:00.  The race is scheduled for February 27, 2011 which means that I have less than 15 weeks to prepare.  Keep in mind that I have never done anything like this before. (What in the hell am I thinking?  I must be trying to kill myself right?)  The year 2011 for me is all about living the life that I have always dreamed about and completing a marathon/half marathon is on that life list.  I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn’t a tad bit nervous…okay let me stop, the truth is I am downright scared but at the same time I am extremely excited.  Does that even make any sense?  I just printed off a beginning runners program designed by Jeff Galloway that breaks down the training in 22 weeks…I need to somehow figure out how I can complete this program in just  15 weeks….hummmmm.  Is this even possible?  Whether it’s possible or impossible doesn’t really matter at this point, I have signed up for this race and my main goal is to simply complete it within the maximum time allowed.  So enough blogging…it’s time for me to lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement because I’ve got some running to do!


Filed under life, Running like a mother

Here’s to you!

Today I am thankful for all the men and women who have and are currently serving in the armed forces.  I salute you for your hard work to ensure that our wonderful country is safe.  Thank you…thank you…thank you!


 For the month of November I will be posting on the small things that I am thankful for.  Please feel free to join me and share with me those little things that make you say thanks!

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Filed under Thankful

A big ol’ Thanks!

 Today’s post is a two’fer!

 1) I am thankful for having an amazing friend/co-worker who thought about me enough to buy me some vitamin C and Kleenex!

2) I’m also thankful for a beautiful 81 degree day in November. 

For the month of November I will be posting on the small things that I am thankful for.  Please feel free to join me and share with me those little things that make you say thanks!

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Filed under Thankful

Not a big fan of Charlotte or her web!

Spitting Spider.. Explore

Creepy crawly creatures although I’m sure they serve some purpose in the world are NOT my cup of tea. First of all…well to be a total girly girl here, they are yucky, they are small, some bite, they move entirely too fast, some jump and oh, they make those awful webs that make you feel all yucky when you run into them. Oh and did I say they are yucky? And even though I know in my mind that I am bigger and stronger than they are, they scare the mess out of me! So…you ask what would I do if I were to find a big spider in my bedroom…my next move would be scream uncontrollably while trying to kill it (sorry PETA) but if that doesn’t work then I guess my only other option would be sleep in another room! Oh and did I say they were yucky?

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Filed under Plinky Prompts

Today I am thankful for…

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Filed under Thankful

Today I am thankful for…


homemade orange, ginger and carrot muffins that are not only good but are low in WW points!


Filed under life